About.The GSA Discretionary Fund supports one-time educational and cultural events held primarily for graduate students that take place on the UCLA campus. The Discretionary Fund can cover: food; equipment rental and set-up; facilities use charges; honoraria; travel expenses and parking for performers and speakers; and flyers and other advertising for the event.
If you have any questions (such as specific questions about funding possibilities, funding eligibility for a potential line item, or the application process) or would like to make an appointment to meet, please contact: Ali Kaazempur-Mofrad Director of Discretionary Funding 316 Kerckhoff Hall, Mailbox #25 [email protected] |
Application.GSA Discretionary Funding Application for 2023-2024 can be found here:
Please submit your application to the Director of Discretionary Funding at [email protected], making sure to CC your organization’s SOLE advisor. Please read carefully the Discretionary Fund eligibility guidelines and application instructions below. Failure to adhere to these may result in a delay in processing your application or a denial of your funding request.
Applications are due at least three weeks prior to the event date – earlier submission is encouraged. Late submissions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Eligibility Requirements.1. Your group MUST be an “officially registered student organization” with the Student Organizations, Leadership & Engagement (SOLE) office and classified as either a “Graduate” organization or an organization that serves “Both” undergraduates and graduates (groups that only serve the undergraduate population are not eligible for GSA funding).
2. Graduate students should be principally involved in planning the event and also be the primary target audience. 3. Events must be free and open to ALL UCLA graduate students. NO admission for entry can be charged to graduate students. 4. All events that receive GSA Discretionary Funds MUST be on campus to ensure accessibility to all graduate students. 5. This fund is only for “one-time” events, such as speakers, productions, and educational and cultural events. This fund is NOT for ongoing events (such as weekly/bi-weekly graduate student meetings). 6. GSA Discretionary Funds may NOT be used to purchase alcohol. 7. GSA Academic Councils that are registered with SOLE may be eligible to receive funds if the event is co-sponsored by another student group. 8. Co-sponsorship of events is highly encouraged. Each co-sponsoring group must fill out a separate discretionary funding application. However, the applications must be turned in together at approximately the same time.
1. First, please ensure that your program/event is eligible for GSA Discretionary Funds by reading the eligibility guidelines. Should your group require other sources of funds, you may browse the 2015-2016 Funding handbook here.
2. To allow time for review, please submit all materials at least 3 weeks prior to the event. Late applications may be considered on a case-by-case basis. 3. Open the online portal or download the GSA Discretionary Funding Application AND the GSA Discretionary Budget Worksheet from the Application Documents section above. 4. Please fill out the application carefully and completely, providing all the details and following all the guidelines. The budget portion of your application must be as detailed and accurate as possible. You must include documents to justify your program/event budget. For instance, you may attach invoices, screenshots of item purchases you are planning to make online, or other documents showing the costs of the items for which you are requesting funding. If you are looking to allocate funds towards an honoraria, please make sure to include the speaker's W9 and a signed agreement between the club and speaker using this SGA template. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. 5. Submit all documents to the Director of Discretionary Funding through the portal or by email ([email protected]). When you submit your completed funding application, you are responsible for reminding and ensuring that both of your required approvals (from your SOLE advisor and from the second group member) have gone through. The Discretionary Funding Director will not review your application until these two individuals have approved your application. 6. You may receive an email about your allocation decision approximately 1-2 weeks after your completed application has been submitted with the proper approvals. This email will also contain important post-award instructions and information.